Duty of Care – How Edge Takes Away The Worry
The Duty of Care is a law which says that you must take all reasonable steps to keep waste safe. If you give waste to someone else, you must be sure they are authorised to take it and can transport, recycle or dispose of it safely.
Duty of Care applies to anyone who produces or imports, keeps or stores, transports, treats or disposes of waste. Breach of the Duty of Care is an offence, with a penalty of up to £5,000 on summary conviction or an unlimited fine on conviction on indictment.
Under the Duty of Care Regulations 1991 (the 1991 Regulations), parties transferring waste are required to complete and retain a “transfer note”, containing a written description of that waste. Defra has provided statutory guidance on the completion of the duty of care transfer note in.
Waste management, the duty of care: a code of practice N.B. The above notes have been taken from the Defra Website. For further guidance on Duty of Care and other environmental legislation please visit www.gov.uk/defra